Aurora House – Glasgow – Scotland – Indoor synchro blinds

44.-AURORA-HOUSEFor the office building Aurora House in Glasgow, designed by the Scottish architect group, Cooper Cromar, Art Andersen made 620 extruded aluminium blinds for the 3 glass facades.

  • The blinds are electrically operated by a new lift and tilt mechanism developed and patented by Art Andersen under the name “synchro blinds”.
  • Synchro blinds give total control of the solar screening and the daylight conditions in the building – and enable deep daylight penetration into the rooms.
  • The easily exchangable slats ensure easy cleaning and maintenance.

The architecture of the facade and the users of the building are minimally disturbed by the synchro blinds – due to their totally pure look with no holes in the slats – and the minimum number of strings and cords.